Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University, Japan
IEEE Computer Society 2025 President
Waseda University, Professor and Associate Dean of
Research Promotion Division
National Institute of Informatics, Visiting Professor
eXmotion, Outside Director. University of Human
Environments, Advisor
Bio: Prof. Dr. Hironori Washizaki is a Professor and the Associate Dean of the Research Promotion Division at Waseda University in Tokyo and a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics. He also works as an Outside Director of eXmotion. He currently serves as IEEE Computer Society President-Elect and has been elected IEEE Computer Society 2025 President. He has led software engineering research and ICT professional and educational activities, including developing the IEEE-CS's Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide). He has led many academia-industry joint research and large-funded projects in software design, reuse, traceability, quality assurance, and machine learning engineering. Recent achievements include IoT design patterns and machine learning design patterns. He leads a professional IoT/AI/DX education project called SmartSE.
Xi Chen,
Nanjing University,
Chair of Marketing and Electronic Business Department
Xi Chen, Ph.D., Full Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, Chair of Marketing and Electronic Business Department, Nanjing University, Visiting Scholar of Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington. He authors more than 110 refereed journal/international conference papers and book chapters, more than 90 papers among them have been indexed by SCI/SSCI and EI, including lots of papers in UTD list and JCR I section. He has published 3 monographs and owned several national authorized patents. He is the project chief and sub-project leader of more than 30 Foundations, including the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation, the key project of the National Social Sciences Foundation, National Science Foundation, and National Ministry of Education Science Foundation, and so on. He is the innovation team leader of Nanjing University. He got the Youth Award of Management in China. Best Paper Awards of the Chinese Academy of System Simulation and China Information Economics Society, Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province and so on. He has been elected to the Ministry of Education for New Century Excellent Talents Scheme since 2011, and 5 high-level talent plans in Jiangsu Province. He is the chair and the commissioner of some international/national academic associations, the chair of some technical committees, the chair of the organization committee of some refereed conferences, and the associate editor and editorial member of some refereed international journals and conferences. His research interests include business intelligence, services engineering and management, digital economy and complex systems.
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